To ensure security and protect your purchases, Time International, the authorized retailer to many of your favorite brands, strongly encourages customers to shop only at our boutiques, official online stores, and our shop from service

Step 1. Decide on your items

Step 2. The Boutique Advisor guides you to complete your transaction

Step 3. The Boutique Advisor puts all the item information into the system

Step 4. The Boutique Advisor informs the total of your transaction

Step 5. The Boutique Advisor offers you the available payment options

Step 6. Once the payment is made, your transaction is complete
We only accept the following methods of payment:

1. Cash

2. Credit Card (with or without Installment) / Debit Card

3. Online payment

Step 1. Decide on your items

Step 2. The Boutique Advisor guides you to complete your transaction

Step 3. The Boutique Advisor puts all the item information into the system

Step 4. The Boutique Advisor offers you the available payment options

Step 5. The Boutique Advisor shares your payment link

Step 6. Once the payment is made, your transaction is complete
We only accept the following methods of payment:

1. Cash

2. Virtual Bank Account

3. Credit Card (with or without Installment) / Debit Card
To ensure our customer’s security,
Time International does not accept any payment to personal bank accounts.
We only accept payments via designated corporate bank accounts and our authorized payment link.